Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Get Girls To Notice Me

I saw a question about how to get guys to notice a girl at a mall for instance (asked by a girl), and I was wondering how to get girls to notice me in a public place. Say like a mall for instance. And if I feel that I should approach a girl, what is a good way to get into a conversation and not make a fool of myself ?

I'm 16/m by the way (17 in june)

1 comment:

Ask JR said...

When you see a girl you are interested in (or want to be) smile at her and give her a warm, sincere look to let her know you think she's cute, etc.

Maybe she'll smile back and then maybe you could ask her if she'd like a coke at the mall eating area after introducing yourself of course.

Strike up a conversation- what grade is she in- what school- whatever pops in your head.

Be yourself.